1500 North West 28th Avenue, Miami, FL 33125
Business: 1-866-314-1279 | Fax: 786-323-6852 | Mobile: 305-465-7161
Project Management

Project Management

Global Services Clinical Consulting, LLC offers clinical project managers services with experience managing research projects and clinical trials. 70% of all GSCC consultants have project management experience from previously held industry positions.

Clinical Research Project Manager

Effective Project Managers are essential for managing the study team and meeting project timelines involved in conducting clinical trials. 

Clinical Research Project Manager Tasks:   

Contract Negotiation   

GSCC  provides complete contract negotiations that include, but are not limited to, site negotiation, payment for services & consulting outsourcing for clinical trials.

Contract Management            

GSCC provides tracking, oversight, and execution of contract/grant payments to clinical research sites and outside consultants.

Outsourcing Management   

GSCC will maintain and execute oversight and management of contractors, including CROs, central laboratories, and independent consultants.

Timeline Tracking    

GSCC will identify and assist clients in establishing and maintaining study milestones and deadlines throughout the clinical trial.

Trip Report Review and Submission

GSCC will collect, review and submit monitoring visit documentation and assume the responsibility for submission to the client.

Quality Assurance Program

GSCC has designed and implemented a proprietary "Monitor the Monitor" program. Clinical Research Project Managers audit previously monitored research to ensure quality monitoring and adherence to company standard operating procedures.

Years Exp
Satisfied Patient
Trained Doctors